Family Encyclopedia >> Work

To be happy at work, you need…free snacks

If we were asked "what makes you happy (or not) at work?" “, we would probably put among our criteria:doing a job that interests us, feeling recognized (it also goes through the salary), having a minimum of intimacy, breaks and nice colleagues, but also being well in life. personally and know how to pick up. On the other hand, we would not have immediately thought that:to have snacks… free! And yet, according to an American study, it would boost our professional well-being in rocket mode.

After interviewing nearly 1,000 office workers, who work there full time, the American company Peapod (one of the country's major suppliers) found that 67% of people with access to free food (which is the 16% of offices surveyed, particularly those in Silicon Valley like Google or Facebook) said they were "very" or "extremely happy" at work, unlike 56% of people who have to shell out a few coins for a snack. Better still:48% of these people say that free or no food distribution would be one of the criteria they would take into account if they had to change jobs.

"It shows a real investment on the part of employers, that they want to make sure their employees are happy and that they have everything they need to do a good job," Danielle Mahoney, director of human resources at the software maker Appeagle, a firm that offers its employees (average age 31) free breakfasts and meals, which they can even customize.

Well ok, the free Twix and yogurts are nice. Super cool, even (especially for the Twix). But since we are not geese and our happiness does not only pass through our stomach (for geese either, by the way), we suspect that if these companies are attractive, it is above all because they must take into account the general well-being of their employees, quite simply.