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Professional travel:live it well without fatigue

Professional travel:live it well without fatigue

Jet lag, fatigue, organizational unforeseen... No way will your next business trip turn into a nightmare. To limit the inconvenience, there are a few tips. We give you these valuable tips to make the most of your business trips.

Before departure:get organized!

For your business trip to take place in the best conditions, everything starts before departure. Indeed, by preparing in advance and anticipating your trip and your return, you will leave with peace of mind in good spirits:

  • Anticipate household chores :do everything you have to do at home to leave with peace of mind and find an orderly home when you return (laundry, dishes, cleaning, important calls, etc.). You'll be glad you don't have to worry about it when you get home. You can also leave a schedule with the essential tasks to do so that your little family can find themselves there while you are away.
  • Is your trip to a distant land? A few days before your departure, get your body used to your new rhythm. Wake up 2 or 3 hours earlier if necessary, depending on the possible jet lag. Remember to check the weather forecast in the destination country to find out what you need to pack in your suitcase.
  • Anticipate your trip :in particular thanks to apps that allow you to measure your journey time or to be informed in the event of a delay (Footpath, Waze, Maps, Sncf, etc.). Remember to check your emails regularly before departure, in case your flight is canceled or delayed.
  • Anticipate your arrival: to avoid having to manage your arrival in a hurry with the accumulated fatigue, plan the taxi or your journey by transport thanks to different apps (CityMapper, Maps, MetrO, Google Maps, Mapstr, Uber or Grab).
  • Rest :carve out time for yourself before departure to travel in good shape and keep your mind sharp for possible last minute changes and upheavals.

During the trip:take care of yourself!

Your suitcase is ready, the house is tidy and you have planned everything so that your business trip takes place in the best conditions. It's D-Day and you're about to travel for a few hours or several days, with or without stopovers. To live your journey well:

  • If you are traveling abroad and there is a time difference, set your watch to your new time zone once you are on the plane.
  • During your trip, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and eat light. Pack yourself a snack in case you get peckish.
  • Think about stretching your legs during your commute by walking down the aisles of the train or plane, or taking regular breaks if you're in the car.
  • Avoid caffeinated energy drinks to avoid disturbing your sleep.
  • Avoid sleeping pills and instead opt for a soothing herbal tea made from verbena, chamomile or linden. These herbal teas are known for their soothing properties.

After the trip:a gentle recovery

Ride over, do you think you're done? However, after a long trip, you can suffer a stroke of fatigue. To better deal with jet lag, follow these good tips:

  • Boost your spirits by arranging regular calls to your family. Seeing your children on facetime will bring you comfort and boost you.
  • Once there, try to resume your usual rhythm with three meals a day.
  • Expose yourself to daylight as soon as you wake up to condition your body and your brain to your new rhythm. The sun will do you the greatest good.
  • Do some exercise (walking, running, yoga, stretching, etc.) to fall asleep faster and reduce travel stress.
  • Respect your sleep cycle. If you need eight hours of sleep to be fit, go to bed on time to keep your natural rhythm. Of course, you can allow yourself a little nap during the day if you feel tired.
  • Go for anti jet lag apps like Entrain, Jet Lag Rooster or Jet Lag App which can help you find your rhythm easily. These apps give you, for example, your hours of sleep to respect and give you practical advice to quickly reduce fatigue due to travel.

Light therapy to combat jet lag

Business trips are hard on our body:fatigue, sleep disorders, etc. Light therapy would have the power to help us regain energy. Originally, this technique was intended for people suffering from seasonal depression. Today, light therapy is used to help you boost your energy in case of temporary fatigue. A daily light therapy session can be done with glasses or a lamp.

To avoid the consequences of a business trip and jet lag, it all starts with good preparation for the trip. During the trip, a few simple gestures will help you to experience the journey serenely. Once there, listen to your body and try to get back to your natural rhythm as soon as possible.