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Don't Forget Sustainability When Designing Your Brand's Customer Loyalty Program

You have therefore decided to set up a loyalty program for your brand, excellent idea! Studies show that 58.7% of internet users worldwide consider loyalty programs to be one of the most important aspects of a shopping experience so it really pays off to invest time and effort in creating a program that reflects and rewards the values ​​and ethics of your customers.

Why sustainability?

Sustainability simply means a way of living, producing and manufacturing that meets our needs but also respects the environment. Brands can actively promote sustainability through all sorts of channels, from reducing packaging and using recycled materials wherever possible, to supporting charities through donations or volunteering.

It cannot be stressed enough how important brand ethics are to today's consumers – almost a third of consumers said they switched brands due to the belief that they were not doing enough to support sustainability. There is no doubt that a brand's ethos is now the key to customer loyalty, so combining a loyalty program with your social and environmental values ​​is an ideal pairing.

How to reconcile sustainability and fidelity?

There are all kinds of ways to make sustainability a key part of your loyalty program and brands are constantly thinking of new ways to combine the two that will appeal to consumers. From extra loyalty stamps for bringing your own reusable cup to coupons for donating clothes, it's an exciting opportunity to get creative with your marketing. If you're not sure where to start, there are companies like CCT Globally, who can help you analyze your business and create a bespoke loyalty program that works for your brand while reporting your loyalty credentials. sustainability, ensuring you increase sales while doing good – win-win, right?

What results can we expect?

Emphasizing sustainability in your loyalty program has all sorts of benefits that may surprise you. You might see an increase in store visits by offering rewards for donating unwanted items. If you provide donation points in-store, you increase a customer's reasons for visiting and increase the chance of a sale, especially if you give out a voucher to spend in-store while they're there. You can also save on material costs by offering incentives to return used packaging to stores. You'll be helping the environment, saving money, and increasing foot traffic to your store all in one fell swoop. Increase your reach and engagement by partnering with charities or other good causes and growing your following by being featured in their own marketing and social media campaigns. To put it simply, you'll make a difference for the planet, increase retention numbers, and feel good about yourself in the process. There really is no downside.

In a world where it is increasingly important to have a positive impact on the environment and society, make sure your loyal customers can see the good you do and help them do the good too. Customers and the planet will thank you.