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In Canada, a young woman wins a scholarship of 100,000 dollars

At 19, Marie-Hélène Lyonnais has just won the $100,000 scholarship offered by the Loran Scholarship Foundation. The cause ? His community involvement and leadership. Radio Canada reveals that the young woman is involved in a student association, in addition to having created workshops on cooking and nutrition... Classes that she gives in underprivileged neighborhoods of Quebec, with a team of 6 volunteers.

“It’s nothing very technical and very complex. It's to inspire the school's 4th graders to start cooking" , she told the media. Marie-Hélène thinks that cooking with their parents when they come home in the evening can help them.

The scholarship student now wants to go into law. The money collected will allow him to pay these university fees, which are sometimes very high in some countries. But also to keep 9,000 dollars a year for his apartment. Still according to Radio-Canada, Marie-Hélène will also receive $8,000 three times for summer internships. Yet another proof that hard work pays off.