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Skills assessment:are you ready to change jobs?

A little introspection is needed

Before making an appointment with a job search organization, start by doing your own assessment:do you really want to change jobs? Yes, but you don't know how to change jobs and you doubt you will find one that you like more, ask yourself:are you more manual or literary, creative or pedagogical? If you're good at knitting or caring for your plants, this might be a lead; but beware:a hobby is sometimes doomed to remain so, and not to become a profession! What do you feel capable of devoting 35 hours a week to, without getting bored?

Ask your loved ones

Are they tired of hearing you moan about your job and think it's a good idea to change it? Ask them to define you in terms of qualities and abilities. Do they see you as a loner unable to work in a team, or as a great coach who always gives good advice (make-up, decoration, couple, etc.)? If your girlfriends keep telling you, "You should work with the kids, they love you!" “Now is the time to think about it. On the other hand, if your man doesn't care about your computer skills, check "no" in the "CTP" (computer-assisted profession) box. Try to remember what excited you as a teenager. Ask your parents, "Humanitarian aid, you only talked about that before high school!" »

What is the skills assessment used for?

By taking stock of your professional experience and the skills you have developed to carry out the tasks entrusted to you in the past, the skills assessment allows you to highlight your strengths and detect your obstacles. It identifies your potential as well as your transferable qualities to another function. Thanks to it, you will analyze your knowledge, your know-how and your interpersonal skills.

What do I gain?

In addition to a better understanding of yourself which can boost self-confidence, the skills assessment allows you to better situate yourself in the professional environment, especially if it has changed, and in your profession, to know if you are made for him. It is useful for projecting oneself into the future, especially that of one's own job when it changes. Its main objective is to work out a clear and realistic professional project with you (it will dissuade you from becoming a fisherman if you are seasick, from opening a candy store if you hate children or from teaching if you hate being looked at) that will suit you both professionally and personally. Thus, you will have a precise vision of the professions that your background allows you to consider. At the end of the process, a summary document is given to you with the results of the various analyses, a document which cannot be communicated to anyone (current or future employer) without your agreement.