Family Encyclopedia >> Work

What are the reflexes to adopt when sitting at the desk all day?

Every day, millions of French people can spend up to eight hours a day sitting in front of their computer. So, even if we are lucky enough to be able to benefit from an ergonomic office, with a chair as comfortable as it is, the consequences of this sedentary lifestyle on our body are extremely harmful. Indeed, the probability of developing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or cancer is higher than anyone who moves a minimum during the day. Nevertheless, small tricks can be adopted on a daily basis. Here they are.

Walk 5 minutes every hour

According to health professionals, it is recommended to walk at least 30 minutes a day, or on average between 8,000 and 10,000 steps daily. We grant you, difficult to achieve this quota when we spend the day screwed on our office chair. Unless, every hour, we get up to go for a five-minute walk. And yes, even a few steps would be enough to ensure a minimum of activity during the day. If we consider that we spend eight hours a day on our chair, walking for five minutes every hour, we would count 40 minutes of walking in total! Not bad, right?

Stay upright in transport

We're not going to lie to each other, as soon as a seat becomes available on the bus, in the tram or in the metro, we don't hesitate to jump on it to go and sit down, praying that no one has seen it before us, and that, even though we sat all day. What if we changed our (bad) habits? Even if you feel tired after a day's work and you are dying to sit down, you stay up until the stop where you have to get off.

Get off one station earlier

Always with the aim of soliciting your body and moving as much as possible, why not get off one or even several stations earlier than usual on public transport? A way to stay active without really realizing it. And if we are by car, we park it a little further than usual. Come on, 10 more minutes on the walking counter!

Take the stairs instead of the elevator

Just as parking a few meters away, cycling to the office, going to the toilets on the third floor, fetching water from the furthest fountain and taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to do some activity when you're at the office!

So, shall we get started?