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3 ways leaders can be a calming force

I once had a team member (we'll call her June) who never seemed fazed by a crisis. She seemed to lack a sense of urgency no matter the situation. She was very thorough and hardworking, but her pace and attitude rarely fluctuated.
So even though we're talking about the opposite – people who see everything as an emergency – I'll start by saying that I would always prefer someone who overreacts rather than underreacts. They are often your most productive and attentive employees. That's not to say the team member who mourned Wolf should be left to their own devices. Rather the opposite. Here are my strategies.
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Problems may have different symptoms, but they often have the same antidotes.

1. Show empathy.

When this person approaches you with something they consider urgent, don't make the mistake of rolling your eyes or showing disbelief. Are they really stoking drama for drama's sake? Probably not. This dedicated employee is probably passionate about his role in the company. This person could come from an organization that praised urgent behavior, mislabeling it as heroism or passion.
Treat this person with the same empathy and understanding as an unproductive employee who struggling to meet deadlines. Problems may have different symptoms, but they often have the same antidotes.
2. Separate the critic.
Don't be tempted to scratch the itch of activity. Urgent people tend to bounce back, completing 20 small tasks on 20 different projects, but not making significant progress in any area.
Help this person understand that activity does not equal productivity. Pair them with an employee who can step back and see the big picture. Offer a few tune-up tips, such as shutting down messaging and communication apps for set times. This will help them resist the urge to respond immediately to every notification that pops up.
3. Be calm.

I like to say that a leader has to be a human Alka-Seltzer. When leading a team of any size, you have to manage all types of personalities. That's the beauty of teamwork. Each person brings their own unique strengths which, when combined with complementary sets of strengths, have the power to achieve amazing things within an organization.
Your job as a leader is to be a calming force, a solid and stable force when the winds of various emotions try to shake the boat. When there is a legitimate crisis, your calming strength should be at its maximum. People in a panic can quickly step on or be stepped on by others; do not amplify this by letting chaos ensue. Leadership is not a position; it's a layout.
Related: 7 personality traits of a great leader

This article originally appeared in the December 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.