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Be yourself at work - It's healthier and more productive

At work, it's healthier and more productive to be yourself, according to a new study. The study examines 65 studies that focus on what happens after people in a workplace reveal a stigmatized identity, such as sexual orientation, mental illness, physical disabilities or pregnancy.

The research overwhelmingly indicates that people with obscure stigmas (such as sexual orientation or health issues) who live openly at work are happier with their overall lives and more productive in the workplace. The researcher said that disclosure is typically a positive experience because it allows people to improve connections, form relationships with others, and free their minds of unwanted thoughts.

Employees who expressed their obscure stigmas experienced reduced job insecurity, reduced role ambiguity, improved job satisfaction, and increased commitment to their position. Outside of work, these employees reported reduced psychological stress and increased life satisfaction. But the study also found that the same results did not apply to people with visible characteristics, such as race, gender and physical disability.

"Identities that are immediately observable work differently than those that are hidden," the researcher said. “The same kinds of difficult decisions about whether or not to reveal one's identity — not to mention the questions of who, how, when, and where to reveal that identity — are probably less central to their psychological experiences.” “Because most people appreciate getting new information about others, the expression of visible stigmas is likely to be less impactful.”

"Also, people react negatively to those who express or draw attention to stigmas that are clearly visible to others, such as race or gender, because this can be seen as a form of advocacy or heightened pride in one's identity," the researcher said.