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What New Research Reveals About Rude Emails in the Workplace

With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic and increasing remote work, the sheer volume of email exchanges has skyrocketed. Electronic communication is efficient, but also aloof, and can often be rude.

Two studies led by a researcher from the University of Illinois Chicago show that dealing with rude emails at work can cause lasting stress and negatively impact your well-being and family life.

The research suggests that rude emails can negatively affect work responsibilities and productivity, and may even be linked to insomnia at night, which is further linked to negative emotions the next morning.

“Given the widespread use of emails in the workplace, it's reasonable to conclude that this issue is becoming an increasing concern,” said lead author Zhenyu Yuan, assistant professor of management studies at the College of Business Administration.

In the first study, Yuan and his co-authors surveyed 233 working employees in the US about their rude email experiences and collected their ratings. In the second study, researchers conducted a diary study to examine the spillover effects of rude email on well-being, including employees' difficulties falling and staying asleep.

There are two forms of e-mail rudeness, Yuan notes. Active rudeness—demeaning or derogatory comments from the sender about the recipient—suggest to the recipient that the sender mistreated him or her. In comparison, passive rudeness – such as ignoring a request or opinion from the sender – makes it difficult to know whether the recipient simply forgot to reply to the email or actually intended to ignore it.

“Since emails are stored securely, people may have a tendency to re-read a disturbing email or constantly check for a response they've requested, which can only add to the distress of rude email worsen,” explains Yuan.

To reduce this stress, the researchers urge employees to "detach psychologically" from a stressful work day after receiving rude emails. The best option is to unplug the power cord outside office hours. Wherever possible, managers should also set clear and reasonable expectations regarding email communications.

“It should be noted that attempting to deal with rude emails should not be interpreted the same as creating pressure on employees and managers to always check their email and respond to emails (i.e., telepressure),” it concluded. Yuan.

“Rather, setting clear and reasonable communication standards can be effective in addressing both.”