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7 original ways to boost creativity

Being creative, whether at work or in everyday life, also means ensuring a more fun daily life. The PureWow website has brought together 7 ways to boost creativity, all recognized by science. Shall we get started?

Dim the light

According to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology , dimming the light would reduce inhibitions and thereby encourage more inventive thinking. Noted:the next time we get stuck on a subject, we dim the lights!

Having a messy desk

We have already told you about it:a test has shown that as surprising as it seems, working in a disorderly environment has no impact on performance, but on the contrary promotes creativity and risk-taking. No more worrying about keeping a clean desk!

Look blue

If looking at the sea gives you lots of ideas, that's normal:blue has been recognized by a study as a color that promotes inspiration. According to the researchers, this is precisely because the color reminds us of the sea, the sky and the water, which are associated with openness, peace and tranquility. Result:we are more imaginative! Conversely, red would promote performance on very specific tasks.

Have a glass of wine

We can never say it enough:alcohol is in moderation. However, according to a study, we are much more creative when we have drunk a little wine than when we are sober. The explanation:it would be because alcohol tends to relax us, which makes it easier for us to find connections between ideas. We're talking about that!

Go to a cafe

Here is some info that surprised us:we would be much more creative when we are surrounded by a little background noise (about 70 decibels). In any case, this is what a study says, explaining that noise distracts us a little, but also forces us to escape and think in a more original way. Conversely, if we have to concentrate on a proofreading or a project that requires extreme concentration, it is better to have a very quiet environment.

Change breakfast

Do you swear by coffee + butter sandwiches in the morning? How about tea + cereal? According to a Dutch study, changing our habits at breakfast (whether at the menu level, the order in which we drink/eat or even just the way of preparing it) would boost creativity because it forces the brain to change the way it does things. Try it...


Because it promotes positive thinking and relaxation, meditation helps us unleash our creativity and think differently. In any case, this is what one study says, while another points out that it is even more obvious among introverts. Ooooom…