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Doing your taxes? 5 Excel Formulas You Should Know

It's two days before your taxes are due. It has a large box of receipts, pay stubs, bills, and forms. And you don't want to pay another late fee for filing after the deadline. What do you do?

You could spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on an emergency tax session with an accountant. Or you can harness the power of Excel to put everything in order.

Using VLOOKUP for tax tables

The VLOOKUP function has a very useful optional operator; if that operator is set to FALSE, the function will return an error if the value it looked for does not appear. However, if set to TRUE, it will return the next smallest number. This is perfect for tax tables. Here is a hypothetical tax table:

Doing your taxes? 5 Excel Formulas You Should Know

Let's say you need to get tax information for three different people. This means that you will have to do the same calculation on three different incomes. Let's use VLOOKUP to speed up the process. Here is the syntax we will use:


A2 is the revenue amount, A1:B6 is the cell range containing the tax rates, 2 indicates that we want the second column values ​​to be returned, and TRUE tells the function to round down if not find an exact value. party.

This is what happens when we run it on cells that include $37,000, $44,000, and $68,000 for income values:

Doing your taxes? 5 Excel Formulas You Should Know

As you can see, he returned the proper tax rate for all three. Multiplying the tax rate by the total income is simple and will give you the amount of tax you owe on each amount. It is important to remember that the VLOOKUP rounds below If you can't find the exact value you're looking for. Because of this, if you set up a table like the one I have here, you need to have the maximums of the applicable ranges, not the minimums.

VLOOKUP can be extremely powerful; check out Ryan's article on Excel formulas that do crazy things. 3 Crazy Excel Formulas That Do Amazing Things. 3 Crazy Excel Formulas That Do Amazing Things. Conditional formatting formulas in Microsoft Excel can do amazing things. Here are some Excel formula productivity hacks. Read More

The IF function for multiple thresholds

Some tax credits depend on the amount of money you have earned; in this case, nesting IF statements and other Boolean operators Excel Mini Tutorial:Using Boolean Logic to Process Complex Excel Data Excel Mini Tutorial:Using Boolean Logic to Process Complex Data The logical operators IF, NOT, AND, and OR can help you to get Excel novice to empower the user. We explain the basics of each feature and demonstrate how you can use them to get the best results. Read More We will use the Earned Income Credit (EIC) to create an example. I've highlighted the relevant part of the EIC table here (the four columns to the right are for married couples filing jointly, and the four to the left are for those filing individually):

Doing your taxes? 5 Excel Formulas You Should Know

Let's write a statement that determines how much we can claim through the EIC:

= IF (AND (A2> = 36800, A2 < 36850), 1137, IF(AND(A2 >= 36850, A2 < 36900), 1129, IF(AND(A2 >= 36900, A2 < 36950), 1121, IF(AND(A2 >= 36950, A2 < 37000), 1113, "double check"))))

Let's break this down a bit. We'll take just one statement that looks like this:

= IF (AND (A2> = 36800, A2 < 36850), 1137, 0)

Excel first looks at the AND statement. If both logical operators in the AND statement are true, it will return TRUE and then return the [value_if_true] argument, which in this case is 1137. If the AND statement returns false (if A2 =34,870, for example), the function returns the argument [value_if_false], which in this case is 0.

In our actual example, we've used another IF statement for [value_if_false], which allows Excel to keep running on the IF statements until one of them is true. If your input exceeds the final statement without being in any of those ranges, it will return the string "Double check" to remind you that something is off This is what it looks like in Excel:

Doing your taxes? 5 Excel Formulas You Should Know

In many cases, you can use VLOOKUP to speed up this process. However, understanding nested IF statements can help you in many situations you are likely to encounter. And if this is something you do often, you could create a financial spreadsheet template. 15 Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Help Manage Your Finances. 15 Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Help Manage Your Finances. Always keep track of your financial health. These free spreadsheet templates are just the tools you need to manage your money. Read More

Calculation of interest paid with ISPMT

Knowing how much interest you've paid on a loan can be valuable when you're paying your taxes, but if your bank or lender doesn't provide you with this information, it can be difficult to find out. Fortunately, providing the ISPMT with a bit of information will calculate it for you. Here is the syntax:

= ISPMT ([tasa], [período], [nper], [valor])

[rate] is the interest rate per payment period, [period] is the period for which the interest will be calculated (for example, if you just made your 3rd payment, this will be 3). [nper] is the number of payment periods it will take to pay off the loan. [value] is the value of the loan.

Let's say you have a $250,000 mortgage that has an annual interest rate of 5% and you'll pay it off in 20 years. Here's how we'll calculate how much you've paid after the first year:

= ISPMT (.05, 1, 20, 250000)

When you run this in Excel, you get a result of $11,875 (as you can see, I've set it up as a table and selected the values ​​from there).

Doing your taxes? 5 Excel Formulas You Should Know

If you use this for monthly payments, be sure to convert the APR to a monthly rate. For example, finding the amount of interest paid after the third month on a one-year loan of $10,000 and an interest rate of 7% would use the following formula:

= ISPMT ((. 7/12), 3, 12, 10000)

Convert nominal interest to annual interest with effect

Calculating the actual annual interest rate on a loan is a great financial skill to have. Cuando se le otorga una tasa de interés nominal que aumenta varias veces durante el año, puede ser difícil saber exactamente lo que pagará. EFECTO te lo dirá.

= EFECTO ([nominal_rate], [nper])

[nominal_rate] es la tasa nominal de interés, y [nper] es el número de veces que el interés se compone a lo largo del año. Usaremos el ejemplo de un préstamo con una tasa de interés nominal de 7.5% compuesto trimestral.

= EFECTO (.075, 4)

Excel nos da 7,71%, la tasa de interés anual efectiva. Esta información se puede utilizar con una serie de otras funciones que utilizan las tasas de interés para determinar cuánto ha pagado o cuánto debe. También puede ser útil si está utilizando Excel para configurar un presupuesto personal. Haga un presupuesto personal en Excel en 4 sencillos pasos. Haga un presupuesto personal en Excel en 4 sencillos pasos. ¿Tiene tanta deuda que tardará décadas en pagar? ¿apagado? Es hora de hacer un presupuesto y aplicar algunos trucos de Excel para ayudarlo a pagar su deuda antes. Read more.

Depreciación de Activos con DB

Excel incluye una serie de funciones de depreciación diferentes, pero vamos a echar un vistazo a DB, el método de saldo fijo decreciente. Aquí está la sintaxis:

= DB ([costo], [salvamento], [vida], [período])

El argumento [costo] representa el costo inicial del activo, [rescate] es el valor del activo al final del período de depreciación, [vida] es el número de períodos durante los cuales el activo se depreciará, y [período] es El número de período para el que desea obtener información..

Interpretar los resultados de la declaración DB puede ser un poco complicado, por lo que veremos una serie de datos. Tomaremos un activo con un costo inicial de $ 45,000 que se depreciará a $ 12,000 en el transcurso de ocho años. Aquí está la fórmula:

= DB (45000, 12000, 8, 1)

Repetiré esta fórmula ocho veces, por lo que el argumento final será 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 y 8 en filas consecutivas. Esto es lo que sucede cuando hacemos eso:

Doing your taxes? 5 Excel Formulas You Should Know

El número en la columna Depreciación es la cantidad de valor que se ha perdido. Entonces, para ver el valor de la inversión al final del año, deberá restar el número en la columna Depreciación del valor de la inversión al comienzo de ese año. Para obtener el valor al final del primer año, restamos $ 6,840 de $ 45,000 y obtenemos $ 38,160. Para obtener el valor al final del segundo año, restamos $ 5,800.32 de $ 38,160 y obtenemos $ 32,359.68. Y así.

Excel en hacer impuestos

Estas cinco funciones se encuentran entre la gran cantidad de recursos disponibles y deberían ayudarlo a obtener un buen comienzo al usar el poder de Excel para que sus impuestos estén listos. Si no es un fanático de Excel, también puede usar las herramientas de administración de dinero en Google Drive. 10 Herramientas de administración de dinero dentro de Google Drive. Debe usar hoy. 10 Herramientas de administración de dinero dentro de Google Drive. Debe usar hoy. El problema con el dinero es que si No lo manejas, terminas sin él. ¿Qué tal algunas herramientas de administración de dinero útiles para ayudarlo a comenzar dentro de su cuenta de Google Drive? Read more . Y no olvide que hay muchos otros recursos excelentes, incluidas algunas herramientas útiles de las herramientas del sitio web del IRS 7 IRS que podrían ahorrarle tiempo y dinero. Herramientas del sitio web del IRS que podrían ahorrarle tiempo y dinero. Unas pocas herramientas en línea del IRS para los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos que esclavizan diligentemente sus impuestos. Hacen su trabajo mucho más fácil. No te rindas todavía. Más información y una amplia gama de programas de Excel descargables. Top 3 sitios web para descargar programas útiles gratuitos de Excel. Top 3 sitios web para descargar programas útiles gratuitos de Excel. .

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